
PEMF Therapy

  High Power PEMF is Cellular Exercise

        Recharging Your Cells Energy


High Power PEMF  ( Pulsed Electro Magnetic Field ) 

PEMF- Pulsed Magnetic Field Therapy re-energizes aging and damaged cells by inducing electrical charges within the cell helping to restore it to its normal healthy state.

NASA Researched, FDA Approved and thousands of published research studies, PEMF is safe and effective for a wide variety of conditions because it helps to restore the most basic cellular functions in humans and animals. 

We use the most powerful, advanced, professional High Power PEMF system available, the PulseCenter XL Pro. This is not the same as those low power mats for home use, not even close! You will immediately feel the pulsing energy and power deep into your body and notice positive effects right away.  

Use PEMF for Cellular Exercise to re-energize the body and restore the cells for 

Health & Wellness, Acute Pain & Injuries, Chronic Pain & Illness, 

Recovery & Regeneration, Anti-Aging

                                      PEMF Set

This PEMF energy causes cellular membrane changes resulting in increased cell uptake of oxygen and nutrients and removal of cellular waste products enhancing the cells natural metabolic ability to function and repair. The PEMF energy produces percussive muscular contractions, resulting in increased vaso-dilation and circulation, tissues regeneration, increased immune function, the breaking up of intramuscular adhesion/trauma and decreased inflammation. The restoration of human cell function is what set this technology apart from all other devices, it helps your cells function better. 

PEMF can be a stand alone therapy. However, when used in combination with our other services, we can achieve greater pain reduction and restoration of health, quickly, safely and naturally.



Discover the best kept secret in wellness technology

PEMF -  Often called Cellular Exercise uses pulsed electromagnetic fields to bathe low energy cells in pure, raw energy.

1   Each cell in your body is actually a capacitor, or battery, which holds a charge. Your entire body is electrical and your cells each need a measurable electrical charge to function optimally.

2   In order to maintain good wellness, cells must be doing their jobs. PEMF Exercise supports the body’s natural abilities to optimize balanced body functions –the definition of wellness.

3  PEMF devices do not treat a specific condition. Instead they optimize the body’s natural self-healing and self-regulating function."

Why is PEMF Cellular Exercise necessary?

We live in an industrialized world and have thus removed ourselves from a large portion of the earth’s magnetic force, while simultaneously subjecting ourselves to electromagnetic fields from sources such as Cell Phones, WiFi, microwaves, cell batteries and various electronics.    This is often called Electro-Magnetic Smog . Our poor cells are being “scrambled” in a sense. PEMF penetrates into the cell, delivering healthy energy to the organelles. This enables improved functioning, and replicates a better cell (think of photocopying a sharp, crisp document as opposed to a  messy, crumbled document). Raw foods, hydration and physical exercise also recharge our cells, but each of those has also been downgraded in today’s modern lifestyle.

              PulseCenter Body Poster


                   Understanding Energy Production in the Human Body

Blood - The Basis of All Life

Your body is made up of approximately 37.2 Trillion* electrically charged cells, which, when supplied with properly balanced electrical and chemical energy sustain life. The Red Blood Cells carry oxygen and nutrients to all of these cells. The biochemistry at cellular level is extremely complex, but the cells are the source of your life. The energy in chemical form (Adenosine Triphosphate, or ATP) is generated inside the cells from the food we eat. The electrical component of cell energy is Life!

Cellular engines 

The cells are like mini-factories powered by  the nutrients we digest combined with oxygen in the air we breathe and ignited by electrons stored in the cells mitochondria or cellular batteries, thus driving the metabolism process of life. Each human cell is designed to perform different functions, all working symbiotically to propel life in the body. Bone marrow cells manufacture the red blood cells which deliver nutrients and oxygen to the cells of the body, while removing toxins. Other cells such as those in the lymphatic system,  liver and kidneys combine to perform tasks such as cleaning the blood. Whatever the specific cellular function, each cell is powered by the same process.



Rechargeable Energy Carriers       

Human cells use nutrients to produce intra cellular energy called adenosine triphosphate or ATP. The phosphate groups in this energy carrier are held together by very high energy chemical bonds. Under certain conditions one of the phosphates can break away, releasing energy. The energy released is used for energy hungry reactions that keep a cell alive and impact directly on our health. When a phosphate is released what is left is adenosine diphosphate (ADP), or spent fuel cells. These spent fuel cells are recharged from ADP to ATP. This process requires the infusion of energy, which comes from the food we eat.   

How the energy factories recharge the energy carriers                      

All nucleated cells contain mitochondria which are the energy factories of the cell. Mitochondria take in molecules derived from food with lots of chemical bond energy, which are the breakdown products of sugars and fats. These fuel molecules are disassembled inside the mitochondria to release their chemical bond energy. This energy is in the form of electrons. Pumps embedded in the cell membrane push hydrogen ions obtained from the fuel molecules into the inner membrane sack within the mitochondria. These are some of the raw materials for energy production.

The role of oxygen

Oxygen has a powerful attraction for electrons and is used to recharge the ADPs (flat batteries) turning them into ATPs (charged batteries). Oxygen has a powerful pull on electrons generated by the mitochondria, and uses most of the energy in the fuel molecules to push the hydrogen ions through the cell ATP synthase enzymes, recharging the flat battery (ADP) into a charged battery (ATP) by adding a phosphate ion to it. Without oxygen the cell can only make 2 ATPs for every sugar molecule metabolized. With oxygen the same cell can produce 38 ATPs from each sugar molecule. 

Cell batteries

According to Nobel Prize Laureate, Dr. Otto Warburg, cells maintain a voltage across their membrane. Each cell is designed to have a positive charge on the outside and a negative charge on the inside. The outside is charged with Sodium ions, while the inside of the cell is charged with potassium ions. The two charges are separated by the cell membrane which serves as an insulator. Within the cell are ion pumps which pump ions into and out of the cell through the cell membrane. More potassium ions are pumped into the cell while sodium ions are pumped out of the cell, positively charging the cell. The difference in electrical potential (voltage) across the membrane is referred to as trans-membrane Potential (TMP).  This process of charging the cells creates a second type of “cell battery” or energy storage, (ATP is the first).

   Battery 2    

Cells will power-down due to the aging process, stress, unhealthy diet, and the toxic environment we live in. Dr. Warburg found healthy people had cell voltages of 70-100 mV, people with chronic illnesses had cell voltages between 30-50 mV, whereas cancer patients displayed cell voltages less than 15-20 mV. Diminished cellular voltage has a direct correlation to disease and sickness. Cancer cannot thrive in highly charged cells. This is why we never hear of cancer of the heart, as it is the muscle that has the highest voltage of any organ in the body.

Energizing the body   The energy produced during the ATP bio-electrical process empowers the body’s components to perform the function for which they were designed, such as respiration, circulation, movement, digestion, reproduction, and all organ functions. 

PEMF energy enhances the work of charging the batteries (transforming the mitochondria’s ADP to ATP). It stimulates all the components involved in delivering the oxygen and nutrients to the mitochondria for energy (ATP) production. PEMF enhances the body’s delivery systems including circulation and hydration. It increases oxygen absorption by energizing the cellular pumps, which boost the absorption of vital nutrients, and the expulsion of waste toxins from the metabolic process.  The energized cells have an increased charge (TMP), which maximizes the aerobic respiration (with oxygen) of the body for optimum energy production (ATP). 

Anaerobic Respiration   Cells will still create energy without oxygen in a process called anaerobic respiration. This process is extremely inefficient, producing only 2 ATP for every molecule of sugar processed (aerobic respiration produces 38). Anaerobic respiration also creates toxic byproducts such as lactic acid and slows down the body’s ability to heal itself as infections occur more easily in an acidic environment that lacks oxygen. If the body is not delivering enough oxygen for the mitochondria to create ATP then it will result in fermentation. An athlete will experience “cramps” because the cells are inefficiently producing ATP with lactic acid as a byproduct. Disease thrives in an acidic environment, promoting infection and slowing down the healing process.  

What Are the Health Benefits?

PEMF has been shown to provide long-lasting, immediate pain relief within just a few minutes of the initial session to those suffering from chronic or acute pain. The ways by which PEMF relieves pain include pain blocking, decreasing inflammation, increasing cellular flexibility, increasing blood and lymph circulation, and increasing tissue oxygenation. With no medication, often with immediate and lasting response.

Performance Enhancement, Accelerated Recovery, and overall health maintenance

All athletes, no matter the age, can benefit from PEMF. In addition to the accelerated healing from injuries, PEMF can help you recover quickly from the body soreness that could otherwise keep you out of the gym or on the sideline. All injuries produce swelling and inflammation in the tissues, as does exercise itself. Swelling and inflammation delays the ability of the tissues to be nourished with oxygen and nutrients, which is why you see athletes frequently being treated with ice packs. Ice packs reduce superficial swelling, but ice also reduces blood circulation which is required to accelerate healing of the injured area, significantly extending the athletes recovery period.

PEMF penetrates tissues deeply without risk to the superficial tissues, while also reducing swelling and speeding up the removal of  blood in a bruise, leading to faster recovery and return to activity, competition, or training. By using PEMF, traumatized tissue and edema get reduced significantly faster without the use of painkillers or other drugs. PEMF therapy reduces the incidents of torn muscles and ligaments, and other related injuries. Due to this increased synthesis of repair proteins, a faster healing process is achieved helping prevent sports related disabilities and chronic conditions.

By supporting removal of the toxins and lactic acid from the cells (detoxification), using PEMF after exercise can reduce soreness, muscle spasms, cramping, and the breakdown of tissues.

Endurance, strength, and accelerated recovery.

Muscle energy production improves following PEMF therapy sessions. This allows muscles to work harder and longer, and recover more quickly from their work. PEMFs maximize growth factors by increasing nitric oxide production effectively reducing exercised induced inflammation and improving vascular function.

For anyone trying to improve strength and muscles size, PEMF can help maximize that process. This would apply if you are in your later years treating sarcopenia (the medical term for muscle loss and weakness). It would also apply if you are just trying to recover from hard workouts to add lean muscle. Not only can PEMF help muscles recover faster, it also helps your entire nervous system recover faster as well. Faster recovery means better performance.

Increased range of motion and reduction of pain.

Inflammation is a necessary and beneficial process, but it often persists longer than necessary resulting in chronic inflammation. Chronic inflammation is frequently a cause of chronic pain. PEMF therapy has been found to reduce chronic and damaging inflammation. Inflammation can be initiated by many causes and understanding the nature of the cause is important in designing therapeutic approaches.

Just as a fire cannot burn without oxygen, our cells cannot produce heat and energy without oxygen. PEMF helps with the process of extracting oxygen out of the air we breathe and helps it to be better transported into circulation. The absorbed oxygen is then transported through the body to all the cells, where it is absorbed into the individual cells. Proper blood-oxygen levels at the cell level (not just in the blood) allow this process to continue quickly and efficiently.

One of the most basic effects magnetic fields have on the body is increased circulation, not by increasing heartbeat or blood pressure, but by opening and dilating the arteries and capillaries. When a cell (such as a red blood cell) does not hold its ideal charge, the red blood cells can “stick” together and stack like coins, which is called the Rouleau effect. This effect inhibits proper cell oxygenation to the cells because the red blood cells do not circulate well enough to deliver oxygen where it is needed.

There is a simple explanation why the Rouleau effect occurs, and it is related to voltage. When your cellular voltage is low the positive charge on the outside of the cell is diminished, which allows the cells to stick together. When a magnetic field passes through the cell, the membrane becomes properly charged, allowing the cell to repel itself and keep separate from other cells, thereby increasing circulation. Good circulation helps tissues with cellular function (get the nutrition they need, while expelling the waste they produce), nutrition, healing, and regeneration. Poor circulation makes tissues unhealthy and prone to disease and breakdown.

Relaxation and deep tissue massage through pulsating muscle stimulation.

Stress is part of being human. Normal stress, called eustress, is necessary for survival. Too much stress is very harmful to the body and accelerates aging. Stress is responsible for at least 65% of our illnesses, so stress reduction is necessary for all of us. Stress-reducing activities performed only now and then will allow too much stress-related damage to accumulate over time. PEMF has stress-reducing effects. Regular use of PEMF can help to reduce the negative effects natural stresses have on our bodies. There is an apparent relaxing of the vascular system within minutes of completing a PEMF session, which lowers the heart rate and can drop blood pressure by 20% to 30%.

Improving bone density and wound healing

PEMF treatments improves the quality of calcium produced and mends bones in one-third of the normal time. The skin of the bone seems to develop cells more like the DNA dictates. PEMFs work to repair bones, whether damaged by surgery, injury, or disease and have been found to improve bone regeneration such as occurs with osteoporosis and osteopenia, among other bone destroying conditions.

Because PEMF supports cellular health, damaged tissue and wounds generally heal much faster, in one-third to one-half the time with less scarring.

Circulation in the Human Body

PEMF Increases Proper Blood Flow

The body’s circulatory system ensures the survival of the body by facilitating metabolism in each and every cell. We have between 4-6 million red blood cells (RBC).  RBC’s transports oxygen from the lungs to the cells and exchanges it for carbon dioxide to be removed as waste. RBC’s also transports nutrients such as fats, carbohydrates, or proteins from the digestive tract to the individual tissues and cells where they can be processed and consumed.

The cellular metabolic waste products are then transported by the RBC’s to via the veins and lymphatics and finally to the excretory organs such as the kidneys and colon. In addition, blood distributes hormones, immune cells, and other signaling messenger molecules. The human body’s circulatory system is essential for providing the raw materials needed for energy production as well as physical and mental performance. The cellular metabolic waste products are then transported by the RBC’s to via the veins and lymphatics and finally to the excretory organs such as the kidneys and colon. In addition, blood distributes hormones, immune cells, and other signaling messenger molecules. The human body’s circulatory system is essential for providing the raw materials needed for energy production as well as physical and mental performance. 

The human circulatory system is 14.5% of veins, 11.5% arteries, 74% micro-vessels. We have about 60,000 to 100,000 miles of blood vessels. When you gain a pound of fat, your body makes seven new miles of blood vessels. This means your body must work harder to pump blood through all of these extra new vessels, which may put a strain on your heart, and may reduce oxygenation and nutrient replenishment in other tissues. Fortunately, if you lose a pound, your body will break down and re-absorb the now unnecessary vessels.


vessel system

       The heart pumps up to 10,000 liters of blood through the body each day.

Many physical conditions are directly related to a diminished or damaged circulatory system which can result in dysfunctional cellular metabolic processes.  We need to increase circulation to allow better cell function and repair. PEMF increases micro circulation.

Our contemporary fast-living lifestyle produces several negative characteristics for our cell’s proper function: high stress causes high acidity, many ingested toxins disrupt cellular chemistry, poor eating habits provide less than optimum nutrients, lack of exercise and shallow breathing reduce the oxygen intake and further hamper the effective cellular metabolism. Simply put, ATP production goes down.

With PEMF Therapy, blood and its components are better distributed throughout the body to enhance healing.


After early space travel in the 1960’s, American astronauts returned to earth very sick and with depleted strength and energy. NASA eventually determined that the problem was that the astronauts had been cut off from the earth’s magnetic charge. Once NASA equipped space capsules with Pulsating Magnetic Fields, the astronauts no longer faced the same problems with sickness and lack of energy.

Read over 1000 peered-reviewed abstracts on PEMF therapy at &

Download the PEMF White Paper here:  PEMF-White-Paper.pdf

PEMF Safety and Contraindications

Anyone with implanted electrical devices including pacemakers, cochlear implants, intrathecal pumps, etc., cannot use PEMF because the magnetic field can disable or shut the devices off.

Persons with active bleeding or hemorrhaging conditions or during heavy menstruation cannot use PEMF.

PEMFs have not been proven safe for pregnant women.

People with organ transplants on immunosuppression should not use PEMF.

   MEDICAL DISCLAIMER:     The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only. The purpose of this website is to promote broad consumer understanding and knowledge of various health topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.